The world is full of people who peaked at a young age and slowly faded into mediocrity. Barstools around the globe are occupied by former athletes, musicians, and artists re-living their former glories. Bob Molle is different. And he makes a difference.

Bob has found a way to harness his stellar successes, Eastern philosophies and life experiences into programs that inspire everyone to enjoy his level of exceptional triumph. What sets Bob apart is that he has done the hard yards and achieved real and outstanding runs on the board, as a player and coach in sport, business and life, to gain rare credibility and know-how to guide everyone to success.
After finishing high school as a star multi-sport athlete in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Bob headed west to Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia. ‘Big Bob’ (6’4″ & 275 lbs.) quickly became a standout in both the Wrestling and Football teams and won the Simon Fraser Scholar-Athlete Award.

Still in university and with a clear vision for accomplishment, Bob began to focus on his next two goals – to win an Olympic medal in wrestling and to make the Canadian Football League (CFL) and win a coveted Grey Cup.

There were setbacks. Bob ruptured a disc in his back and had surgery just 21 days before the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games.

Testing concluded it was impossible for Bob to regain his form in time to compete. Unfazed and committed to competing and achieving his goal, Bob pressed on. At just 21 years old, he found an inner resolve and wrestled his way against the odds to a Silver Medal.
Bob next set his high sights on professional football and four years later, in 1988, he hoisted the Grey Cup as a member of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers’ offensive line to become the only man ever to win both an Olympic medal and the Grey Cup. The tone was set for Bob’s life-long stellar performance.

In 1990 he again won the Grey Cup as the Blue Bombers’ captain. While playing football in 1988, Bob started a dazzling coaching career which earned him 2 prestigious Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Union (CIAU) Coach of the Year titles in 1990 & 1992 and 2 national championships while head coach of the University of Manitoba wrestling team.
After retiring from the CFL at age 30, and with a young family to take care of, Bob shifted his focus to business and created new goals. Within a year of starting his career with an international pharmaceutical agency, he was the company’s top sales representative. Moving on to an information systems company he again achieved top sales and later became Vice President of Sales.

At the same time, Bob ran a marathon, finished the Canadian Ironman event and competed in triathlons. For a change of pace, he began bodybuilding and competed in two competitions.
Today, Bob puts his wealth of experience into valuable personal coaching & team building, and he energizes, mesmerizes and excites audiences as a motivational speaker and author. His first book, Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable: Improving your Performance is a collection of short stories about people who have inspired him through his life. Among its reflections is the following:

"Remember that speed bumps are as much a part of life’s journey as the open stretches of highway. The things we appreciate most are the things we’ve had to work the hardest for. What are you willing to commit to today that will bring a smile to your face on your death bed?"

With a contagious vitality and a gregarious nature, Bob Molle invigorates audiences and inspires success. A regular speaker for the Fast Track Group of Companies, he has helped countless people take it to the next level with inspiration that lasts a lifetime.